Well, you guys have waited long enough. It's true, the demo isn't completely done, but I will release the deck one piece at a time as I finish up.
The demo itself is made up of card sheets, each file will have 9 cards and you cut them out to play with them. You can just use the cutouts themselves as cards, though I would recommend sticking them in a card sleeve with another card backing them for easy shuffling.
(If you don't have card game cards lying around your house, go to any hobby store, and ask if they have cards from a dead game you can have or buy cheaply. Card sleeves aren't too expensive either, the best card sleeves are Dragon Shields, which are 10 bucks for 100 sleeves (enough for 2 demo decks) any sleeves will work though, no matter how shitty.)
Well anyway, here's the file:
You'll notice it's huge, nearly 50 megabytes. This is the complete uncompressed card sheet of 9 fighters, so if you print it out as is, it will be photo quality. (Honestly, it may rape your printer though, so if you're worried about ink, temporarily set your printer to draft or quick print, or whatever the option for lower quality prints is.
As far as the contents of the sheet, I'll tell you who I chose, and why I chose them for the deck.
Fighter's page
Cloud x3
I chose Cloud as one of the backbone fighters because of his straightforward nature. There are 4 different sword cards in the deck also, the deck seems like it's almost made for him to stack up on swords.
Auron x3
Auron is the premier fighter. I chose Auron in a main slot to break new players in to the idea of characters with higher defense than 1600. Magic and team-up attacks will have to be used to bring him down. Though you can't carry him over to the next battle, which wont make him a constant irritation.
Kain x2
Kain is the newbie's get out of jail free card. But there are only 2 because he's not very threatening once he's out.
Cecil x1
Cecil will be good to have around for the ranged and mage characters. Though, I don't think there are enough tools in the deck to deal with Cecil x3, so x1 is fine.
Of course, after releasing the deck in it's entirety, I will upload a playset of every card for download, even one's already included in the demo deck. So if you want to run x3 Cecil... damn you... but it can be done.
Then, as I release new cards, I will release them in the playset format (which is a file with 3 copies of a single card, the max you can have in the deck)
Also, if you download the file, and the cards are PURPLE, let me know, I'm having some issues with the color calibration of my monitor, so it's possible they'll come out this way.
I'll release the "Thief" type characters next.