I will make this prettier later. But until then, here's the "concise" version.
Objective: To control 4 Relic cards.
Defeat: You have no cards in your hand or deck (or you are the player that DOESN'T control 4 Relic cards.
Card Types:
-Characters used to battle. When all of your characters in a battle are discarded, you lose the
battle and your opponent gets the relic.
-Cards used to augment characters, these are physically attached to the characters and are commonly only usable by certain types of characters.
-One use cards that effect your battlefield in some way.
-One use cards that effect your battlefield in some way. Limited to characters with the Black, White, or Summon skill.
-Powerful equipment that also counts as your victory total. They are kept in a sideboard once
acquired to be used as if they were equipment from your hand. These have no requirements.
-Cards that effect the battlefield in some way, these are chosen prior to battle, and had different
qualifications for leaders in your party.
Leader Card
-Card you attach to your party leader. When your Leader's class or descriptors match that of the
location, you may use the leader abilities on the card.
-Where your items, spells, and equipment go. They are drawn to your hand.
Character Deck
-Where your characters go, they aren't draw to your hand, but to your reserves.
-Where your drawn items, spells and equipment go.
-A facedown pile that holds characters ready to be put into play.
Discard pile
-Cards that have been used or defeated go here, it's common to have effects that return cards from this pile.
Doom pile
-Where cards go to die. It is very, very, uncommon for cards to return from this pile.
Card States:
*Down* -Whenever you see the down arrow on a card, that refers to "down". To down a card, you turn it 90 degrees clockwise, this shows the card has been used and can't be used for *down* abilities until the card is *Up*, which means it goes back to the upright position. Certain card effects will *Up* cards prematurely, but they will *up* naturally when both players consecutively pass during battle.
(To start the game)
-Put your characters in one deck and shuffle, your opponent does the same.
-Put all of your equipment, spells, summons, and items in another deck and shuffle, draw 3 of these cards, this is your hand. Your opponent does the same.
-Place your 5 location/relic cards in the center of the table. Your opponent does the same.
*Relic Phase*
-1P chooses a location from the location pile.
-Both draw 6 characters from the character deck (seperate from your hand)
-1P plays a character as the leader, attaching leader card
-2P plays a character as the leader, attaching leader card
-1P plays characters face-down (up to 5 more, in 2 rows of 3, put remainder face-down in reserves)
-2P plays characters face-down (up to 5 more, in 2 rows of 3, put remainder face-down in reserves)
-1P reveals characters (for every character less than 6, they draw 2 cards)
-2P reveals characters(for every character less than 6, they draw 2 cards)
:location effect goes off
-Both draw characters face-down to the reserves until they have 3 in the reserves, then discard any extras.
*Battle Phase*
-1P uses an action or passes.
-2P uses an action or passes.
...until... both pass.
Then *UP* all characters and start again...
Actions available to use are:
Fight: *down* a character to have it attack an adjacent character, if your character's attack is
equal or higher than the opposing characters defense, the opposing character is considered "defeated" and discarded.
Cast/Use: Use a Spell or Item card from your hand. A spell will generally require a character with
the "Black" "White" or "Summon" skill to be cast, the cost will described on the card. (Usually just *down*)
Move: *down* character and move it to either row in any position. (note the max amount is 3 in the front and 3 in the back)
Reinforce: Play a character from your reserves, equipment card from your hand, or Relic from your sideboard to play. (Regarding characters, this is only usable if there are less than 6 characters in your party)
Recruit: Discard 3 cards from your hand to draw one character and put it face-down in your reserves(after the battle starts, there is no limit to the reserves) BTW, you can also look at your reserves at any time.
Appoint: Discard 3 cards from your hand to choose a character you control and attach the leader card to him. This character becomes your leader.
Retreat: Return all of your characters to your reserves. You lose the battle.
Pass: Draw 1 card.
-When the last character of 1 player has been discarded, that player loses. (If both players lose all of their characters in the same action, the battle is a draw and the location goes back in the
location pile.
*Resolution Phase*
-The winning player chooses up to 3 characters in his party and puts them in his reserves, the rest
are discarded.
-Both players discard any of their cards in hand, and draws up to 3 cards.
-Both players put their entire discard pile into their doom pile.
-Play starts again from the *Relic Phase* with 2P taking the place of 1P. (and 1P, and 2P, and so on)
-When one player controls 4 Relics, that player immediately wins.
Skill cheatsheet:
Black: Character may use black magic; While standing, character is immune to opponent's Black magic.
White: Character may use white magic; While standing, character is immune to opponent's White Magic.
Ranged: This character's Fight action may target characters up to 2 rows away. This character may also counter Ranged attacks if they have something that grants the ability.
Steal: After the character defeats another character, the defeated character's controller must choose and discard a card from their hand.
Counter: While defending, the character deals their attack to the attackers defense simultaniously, the attacker is discarded if your attack is equal to, or higher than their defense. This does NOT nullify the Fight action.
Jump: When character comes into play from the reserves, it may immediately *down* to perform a Fight action against any character with its printed attack total, Jump cannot be countered.
Throw: Discard an equipment card from your hand to make a ranged attack against an opposing character using your characters printed ATT total. If the character is defeated it is doomed instead of discarded.
Leader: Characters ability may only be performed if it is the leader of your party.
Common: You may have 6 of this card in your deck.
Rare: You may have 1 of this card in your deck.
If you have any questions, or think I may have missed something, leave a comment.
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what do u mean by down a character?
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry, guess I should've tossed that in somewhere.
ReplyDeleteA downed character is turned 90 degrees clockwise to show it has been used that round.
Same as tapped in Magic, knelt in AGOT, bowed in L5R, or exhausted in VS.
The real game doesn't use *down* it uses two triangle symbols, one in the up and one in the down position.
Thanks for the writeup. I have a few questions involving rules clarifications and also a few that are just to indulge curiosities I have about the design process and decisions made. I'll hit you with the nitty-gritty stuff first and then follow up with the fun stuff.
1) Defeat - One of the conditions for defeat is "you have no cards in your hand or deck". Does this include your character deck, or just the other deck?
2) Leader Card - Is this a "game aid" card from outside your deck, or a card type you would need to draw?
3) Deck Size - In the minimum/maximum details, it reads "each deck must have the same amount of cards". Does that mean you split the min/max size or that you use it for both? (i.e. If I choose the minimum of 30, would I have decks of size 15/15 or 30/30?)
4) Fight - What exactly constitutes "an adjacent character"? Do they have to be within one row or in the same position of that row?
5) Move - Can you only move the character to an open space in a row or is it possible to swap positions with another character?
6) Discard/Doom - What happens to cards attached to a character that is discarded or doomed?
7) Counter - Counter doesn't specifically state any restrictions for its use. The Ranged entry mentions it allows Counters at range, so I'm concluding Counter will only go off against a target you could legally Fight.
1) Up/Down - Some of your older posts used the terminology "Stand/Kneel". What was the reason for changing? I'm guessing Up/Down is easier to immediately grasp. I have to admit I liked the flavor of Stand/Kneel in the context of the early FF games, where the characters faltered as they were exhausted/near death.
2) Steal - It feels more thematic if this ability allowed you to pick a card at random from the opponent's hand, taking it into your own hand if it is an Item and discarding it if it is another card type. However, for balance reasons I can see why you made it choose and discard. Is this a design alteration you made after testing, or did you consciously work it out this way? I guess I'm interested in hearing the various incarnations this ability might have had.
1) Grammar/Word police - In the Item, Spell, and Location you mean to use the word "affect" and not "effect".
All in all, there are a lot of turn options, but it feels like the game should be very easy to pick up and play. With the Ultros reference card on the table, very little should need too much more than a succinct breakdown. It's the kind of design I like - easy to learn, yet with a good helping of strategizing. I'm already tossing around ideas about optimal deck configurations and strategies (for instance, weighing advantages/disadvantages of starting with a 3-team group of heavy defense in the Relic phase to load up on bonus cards and then sacrifice the first three actions Reinforcing; Or how viable it would be to go heavy item, magic-less, etc.)
1) Either deck, sorry, I'll have to clarify this.
ReplyDelete2) It is a game aid card, it sits in your sideboard with your relics and goes back when leaders are discarded.
3) 30/30
4) Just a character one row away, this will also have to be clarified.
5) You may use move to swap positions, even in the same row if you need to.
6) They are discarded. However, cards attached to characters returning to your reserves return to your hand. This is useful for some guerrilla tactics with your Relics.
7) This is correct.
1) Stand/Kneel is actually the terminology used for A Game of Thrones. I played that game to death, so it finds its way into my vernacular pretty easily, especially when I get really excited about card abilities and blog as they come out of my head.
The other reason, is that using the symbols saves space, and it's a godsend when working on complicated abilities.
2) Steal was made this way because it is very common for CCG players to use sleeves to protect their cards. Mismatching sleeves in your hand is an easy way to flag your cards.
As you said, there is also the issue of balance. Since there are more thieves in Final Fantasy then pretty much any job, it had to be downplayed some. "Thief Glove" is kind of a spiritual successor to the mechanic you're interested in implementing. Looking at CCGs as a whole, if you want to play a "control" type of deck, you should run a sub-theme of thieves. It's made to achieve that, as opposed to changing ownership of cards.
1) My grammar sucks, so this is not surprising. Thanks for the heads up, yo.
Hey! I'm glad to see you're already thinking of decktypes, this warms my heart. Really, who knows? It seems like reinforcing your reserves like that is really going to gimp your Mages, but depending on who you have out, you might not even NEED mages. Show me something nasty, that's your duty as playtester!
The only things I really thought of so far was a deck with no white magic, Rikku x3, Gold Hairpin x3, and a subtheme of black mages. You haven't seen yet, but the potion/phoenix down/ether trio are common cards, so they can comfortably take the place of the basic white magic spells. By doing this, I'm guaranteed any spells I reveal will rock your face off. And Rikku can use her ability more as a lucky bonus!
And no, you are not a thorn in the side. You are EXACTLY the type of person I need to make sure the game doesn't turn out crappy. Thanks again for your input.
(Apparently you're only allowed 4096 characters in a response... wtf is that...)
Reading this again I noticed there isn't any mention of uniqueness when playing characters. I assume you can't play three Aurons to your front if you happen to draw all three? If there is a restriction, is it for both players or just yourself?
ReplyDeleteNo, there is no unique mechanic. Unless the card is Rare you can play as many to the field at a time as you so choose. It's not very thematic, no... but I feel it lets you create a more structured deck.
ReplyDeleteWho knows what the future will bring though.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteInteresting @ there being no unique rule.
ReplyDeleteAnother few questions:
First, a number of cards refer to the "round" or "end of round". However, the rules here don't actually make mention of a round. What is a round?
Second, are Fight actions always "1-on-1"? Are there/will there be ways to team attack those pesky high defense characters?
The round ends when both players pass consecutively and everyone *up*s. Then a new round would begin, and then when both players consecutively pass again, that's the end of that round. Sorry, I'll have to add that in, thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteFight actions are generally 1 on 1. The leader card lets you double up, so to speak, by *down*ing another character and adding that character's ATT total to the attacker. I'm trying to avoid wording conflicts from multiple attackers, but we'll see how everything works out in playtest.
So I had a quick solo play to get an idea of gameflow tonight. I basically shuffled the entire playset of characters and dealt out 30 random cards to form each deck. Then I did the same with the support cards.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if I missed some important rules. The entire game consisted of a single battle 35 minutes in length. It ended with the first player decking out on his support pile (player two was 1 draw away). Potions, Cures, and Phoenix Downs were the big culprit, keeping both sides in the game. I made a few judgment calls with some rules I was unsure of. If I didn't have an early work day tomorrow, I would try another hand. (The weekend is almost here, though, yay!)
Further clarification questions:
-Can you stack multiple equipment cards on one character? By the end of the game, player one had a Leather armored Laguna swinging around two long swords.
-When ranged characters make a ranged attack, is it modified by equipment (does Laguna add the sword(s))?
-Does dropping a character's defense to 0 or lower discard that character, for example, by attaching one or more Fire Statuses? Or do you still need to make a weak attack to finish them off?
-Can downed characters use items or cast spells that don't require down as a cost?
-Where the leader card reads "down this card", is it referring to the leader card or the character it is attached to?
-Is the Leader card a "Status"? It wasn't printed on it, so Vivi blew it off Locke with a casting of Fira. Just wanted to check if that is an intentional tactic or an oversight.
Thanks for yet more answers, and keep up the fine work!
Hmmm, interesting. Generally I figure VS. someone I'm having trouble beating who is recovery happy, I would add in a ninja subtheme. That means, 6x Shuriken and a ninja-centric rogue set-up. There are more that I'm adding later, so maybe that will vary the playfield a bit.
Can you stack multiple equipment cards on one character?
No. Each character is only allowed one equipment card. Thus far, out of the revealed cards, Cloud is the only exception. He can have his 1, and any "sword" cards he gets ahold of.
-When ranged characters make a ranged attack, is it modified by equipment (does Laguna add the sword(s))?
Yes, they do.
-Does dropping a character's defense to 0 or lower discard that character, for example, by attaching one or more Fire Statuses? Or do you still need to make a weak attack to finish them off?
Still need the weak attack.
-Can downed characters use items or cast spells that don't require down as a cost?
Good question, I'd say yes, but this may change in playtest.
-Where the leader card reads "down this card", is it referring to the leader card or the character it is attached to?
The leader card, the character is unaffected.
-Is the Leader card a "Status"? It wasn't printed on it, so Vivi blew it off Locke with a casting of Fira. Just wanted to check if that is an intentional tactic or an oversight.
Oh good question! The leader card is immune to all types of discard, act as if it is invisible as far as card effects go.
Thanks for yet more answers, and keep up the fine work!
You got it, lets set up some playtest time :)
One more I forgot - Thunder targets a character with 1600 DEF or less. Does this use their printed or modified (say, via a Fire Status or Leather Armor equipment) DEF?
ReplyDeleteAlso a follow up to equipment limits: Are relics likewise limited, and does the number of relics equipped affect the number of equipment cards allowed (and/or vice versa)?
Also, decking seems a certainty right now unless one player sweeps the first four battles for a relic victory, at least at the minimum deck size.
ReplyDelete6 characters drawn per relic phase x 5 battles = 30 (Decked)
Playing out the longest scenario of 7 battles (42 characters drawn during relic phases) will deck sizes of 40 and below.
And these consider no Recruit actions taken.
Hmmm... interesting. Good freaking call. Decking should never be a certainty, lets go ahead and raise it to 60 cards minimum. If we do it that way, it will also dilute the recovery cards a little too.
ReplyDeleteThunder targets a character with 1600 DEF or less. Does this use their printed or modified DEF? Thunder uses the modified DEF total.
ReplyDeleteAlso a follow up to equipment limits: Are relics likewise limited, and does the number of relics equipped affect the number of equipment cards allowed (and/or vice versa)?
Yeah, Relics are limited also. We'll go ahead and say that each character is only allowed one non-status/non-leader card attached to them.
will you do a video demo of the game?
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I could. Honestly, I'd rather just do an example game though. Less work on my part.
ReplyDeleteWould you be cool with something like that?
Don't forget, if you have specific questions, please ask. I don't know if you've noticed, but Matt has been picking up errors and vague statements left and right.
yeah i am cool with that. i been noticing alot.