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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Auto Includes

Just a quick question for you guys.

After I wrote the last entry, I sat down and tried to actually build a deck.

Do you guys see any auto-include cards? Matt had mentioned Aeris, and I'm inclined to agree.

At this point in time, for me? Top 3:

1. Aeris
2. Auron
3. Kain

With Vivi as an honorable mention in 4th.


1 comment:

  1. Aeris is certainly a bomb, but for her to really shine I'm thinking it would require stocking some white magic. Not a problem, but it also mandates playing with some other white mages so you're not stuck with all eggs in the same basket. Yuna and Porom seem a little too specialized, but Relm would be a good backup caster (black/white, and a nice ability to boot).

    Another viable method would be dropping in Edgar and Kimahri, which each would provide an extra use of Healing Wind in a pinch (or anything else, for that matter). These two are the versatile wildcards, and if I had to name two auto-include characters, they'd be it.

    I'm also confident at this time that I'll auto-include the maximum possible ethers and potions. Both are staple items I'd love to always have on hand, and don't have any dependencies or restricitons on use.

    On the other side of the fence are the auto-excludes - I'm sad to say it, but Summons currently have this dubious honor. This is, of course, due to pinning all hopes on Yuna right now (as the only revealed Summoner so far).

    I *still* need to set aside time to play this game! I'm setting aside this weekend (Rise of Eldrazi pre-release ate up last wekeend). I'll report back with the deck lists I came up with once they're together.
