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Sunday, April 11, 2010


Yes, sirs. There is already an errata list, except the list is temporary.

What will happen, is I will update the list by dropping errata as I fix the card online. So the list won't get cluttered. So if you see any errors, including specific grammatical errors, leave a comment here, so I can address them.

Anyway... current errata:

-Common no longer exists. Yeah, it's "retarded".

-Cecil: Dark Knight of Baron should read "...doom the top 4 cards of your character deck." instead of "...doom the top 4 cards of your deck." The latter would probably make him near unplayable in the current state of the game.

-Mythgraven Blade should read "...cannot be targeted by abilities that give Status..." not "...cannot be targeted by cards that give Status..." Saying "cards" would mean the wielder couldn't get hit by any form of cards like Fire, while it should only be immune to the Status portion. Also if I created a character that granted some form of Status in his abilities, he couldn't even attack the wielding character :/ ... Targeted is also mispelled on the card.

-Palom: Brash Twin should read "...may target an entire row instead of 1 character... instead of "...with a target area of Single, become Row" This was a mechanic that ended up being scrapped.

-In the Ultros Reference Card "Reinforce" should also mention "Attach a legal Equipment or Relic card to a character you control" in addition to "Play a character from your reserves"