All fan-art obtained for this project is used only with the express permission of the artists.
If you really like some of the art or have questions, please contact the artist directly through their site.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Reference Card


Just a short update today.

I made a reference card for the demo so players dont have to keep glancing back at the rulebook to play the game, just figured I'd share it with you guys.

Moving everything from the old format to the new is turning out to be pretty easy, I've got to do the art for the white magics cards and the relics, and the demo will be ready.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Demo Deck: Part 2 - Theives

So here's the second page of the deck.

"Thieves" is kind of misleading... all of the characters aren't thieves. Their icon is a thief just to show that they're the middle ground of the army. They don't have the high attack and defense totals of fighters, or the spells of mages. Typically, they're ranged attackers, ninjas, or thieves, with a stat total right in the middle.

I don't really know what to call them that groups them all together...
"Support units" are a decent designation, but that could be taken as 'healers', and that's hardly what they are. I'll have to think on it...

Anyway, here are the characters I chose, and why I chose them.

Yuffie x3
Irvine x3
Edward x2
Locke x1

Yuffie: Yuffie is in a main slot for versatility purposes. Being a new player with something like a hand full of spells and no mages is discouraging, so Yuffie helps fill this gap. Also, there's one summon and one real summoner in the deck, so Yuffie can help with this also.

Irvine: Irvine is in a main slot because he is the poster boy of ranged attackers. No other reason really. Maybe to show people the drawback of fighter characters like Kain with 1400 Defense.

Edward: Edward is a trial. Being a control card I think it would be interesting to see how he plays out. His stats are pretty low, and his ability requires a bit of board setup, so I thought the 2x slot was good for him.

Locke: Locke always gets to use leader abilities regardless of the stage, so he will give the new players more chances to play around with the leader stuff.

If any of you are reading out there, let me know what you think, and if these files are coming out correctly.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Demo Deck: Part 1 - Fighters

Well, you guys have waited long enough. It's true, the demo isn't completely done, but I will release the deck one piece at a time as I finish up.

The demo itself is made up of card sheets, each file will have 9 cards and you cut them out to play with them. You can just use the cutouts themselves as cards, though I would recommend sticking them in a card sleeve with another card backing them for easy shuffling.

(If you don't have card game cards lying around your house, go to any hobby store, and ask if they have cards from a dead game you can have or buy cheaply. Card sleeves aren't too expensive either, the best card sleeves are Dragon Shields, which are 10 bucks for 100 sleeves (enough for 2 demo decks) any sleeves will work though, no matter how shitty.)

Well anyway, here's the file:

You'll notice it's huge, nearly 50 megabytes. This is the complete uncompressed card sheet of 9 fighters, so if you print it out as is, it will be photo quality. (Honestly, it may rape your printer though, so if you're worried about ink, temporarily set your printer to draft or quick print, or whatever the option for lower quality prints is.

As far as the contents of the sheet, I'll tell you who I chose, and why I chose them for the deck.

Fighter's page

Cloud x3
I chose Cloud as one of the backbone fighters because of his straightforward nature. There are 4 different sword cards in the deck also, the deck seems like it's almost made for him to stack up on swords.

Auron x3
Auron is the premier fighter. I chose Auron in a main slot to break new players in to the idea of characters with higher defense than 1600. Magic and team-up attacks will have to be used to bring him down. Though you can't carry him over to the next battle, which wont make him a constant irritation.

Kain x2
Kain is the newbie's get out of jail free card. But there are only 2 because he's not very threatening once he's out.

Cecil x1
Cecil will be good to have around for the ranged and mage characters. Though, I don't think there are enough tools in the deck to deal with Cecil x3, so x1 is fine.

Of course, after releasing the deck in it's entirety, I will upload a playset of every card for download, even one's already included in the demo deck. So if you want to run x3 Cecil... damn you... but it can be done.

Then, as I release new cards, I will release them in the playset format (which is a file with 3 copies of a single card, the max you can have in the deck)

Also, if you download the file, and the cards are PURPLE, let me know, I'm having some issues with the color calibration of my monitor, so it's possible they'll come out this way.

I'll release the "Thief" type characters next.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh GAWD! It's back!

Did you miss me?
Bet you thought the game was done for.

In a way it is, all of the old files are lost, but I'm just going to re-do them. I've got a new template now though, so all it is is a matter of plugging in the art, text, and values.

Dry your tears, the demo is ON! Expect it soon. I never did get the OK to do the last card, so I'll have to sub it out.

In the meantime, let me show you a new card (with the new template)


Yuffie at her best. I love how Xaphania's piece transfers perfectly to card form. Great colors, and dear god... Yuffie being Yuffie. If I hadn't played the game, judging by a lot of the art I see, Yuffie would be as emo as Squall.

Check out Xaphania's site at Definitely worth the look, she has a very distinct style, and doesn't limit herself to one type of art. Lots of fan-art, original characters, chibi art, also lots of line-art, which I thought was pretty cool. It's nice to see the in-between phase of art, being an aspiring artist myself.

(Though you probably wont see my art in the game, I don't think the world is ready for that yet :P )
Cardwise, I'd like to think Yuffie is interesting. Thanks to her near-infinite materia collection, at the cost of 1 card, Yuffie can temporarily fulfill any role you need: Black mage, white mage, counter attacks, even...summon. For her versatility alone, I think Yuffie will be seen in a lot of decks, especially as new traits come out for her to create combos off of. She is somewhat weak though, being in the lower tier of strength as far as ranged characters go. She can't take out the average ranged character without help from equipment. However, her ability helps protect her from spells, which may offset this penalty.

So what do you think of Yuffie? The template? Let me know, yo.