All fan-art obtained for this project is used only with the express permission of the artists.
If you really like some of the art or have questions, please contact the artist directly through their site.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Reference Card


Just a short update today.

I made a reference card for the demo so players dont have to keep glancing back at the rulebook to play the game, just figured I'd share it with you guys.

Moving everything from the old format to the new is turning out to be pretty easy, I've got to do the art for the white magics cards and the relics, and the demo will be ready.


  1. dude this game is coming along quite nicely. gonna take it to kubla? i'm sure you'd get a ton of awesome feedback.

    when are you gonna post about the other ccg you're working on? did i miss a link?

  2. Thanks yo. I'll take it to Kubla for sure. I changed up a few characters and stuff, so I think you'll be interested to play again.

    Recently I've been setting up a playtest plugin for the Lackey ccg emulator so we can play and fix stuff on the intarweb instead of wasting ink and paper on errata.

    Got the bare bones done. I'll have it ready in a week.

    The other one is at:

    It has some fundamental issues though, so I wont be updating it until I find a way to solve them.

  3. ultros on the reference card huh? very nice.
