Still working on the game of course. And now that I'm so close to putting it out, I feel like I should change things again :)
Right now, we've got the 3 designations right? Fighter, Thief, Mage.
Though this makes the game easy to understand, I kind of feel like it makes it too simple for it's own good.
A couple times when I played it in the past, you could tell at certain points it was turning into values vs values, like "pull your biggest guy out and put them against the other guys biggest guy".
The thing is, the game is completely based around characters, and these characters have actual personalities and backgrounds. If the characters are shallow, the game is shallow. I feel their descriptions should dig a little deeper than Fighter/Thief/Mage.
Right now, my favorite option is adding sub-descriptions. You have the 3 main branches: Fighter, Rogue, Mage. Then, you add individual jobs or traits to that. For example, Auron would be a Fighter: Samurai, or Zidane a Rogue:Thief.
That would also make the composite characters easy, like Rydia a Mage: Black Mage, Summoner.
Of course, if I decided to do this, it would be more difficult to use icons, and I may have to rely on text. I messed around with the idea of using the FFV sprites, since nearly every job is represented in V. (It was also cool, because I could use a female character for the females, and actually print the characters gender on the cards for abilities like Edgar's that only affect a specific gender. And there was the issue of when I get to characters like Setzer, where the heck I would find a generic gambler sprite (besides Setzer himself, but really, that's sort of reaching.)
Just some thoughts, I'll post an update later. In the meantime, here's an updated spell. I've been working on them a little.