All fan-art obtained for this project is used only with the express permission of the artists.
If you really like some of the art or have questions, please contact the artist directly through their site.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I want to be your canary...


So here's the next card I can show.
Yeah yeah, I can hear you saying "Another thief!?"
Well friends, Zidane is the embodiment of thief. He's a roguish, womanizing, con-artist hero at heart with a monkey tail! And like any good thief, he's damn annoying to come across in-game.

A good player will know how to play him to really mess you up. Every time he leaves play, he discards a card at random, and draws you a card. You can use your leader card offensively to put him back to your hand, and play him again, or phoenix down him a few times, or what have you.

He balances out though, because he's not much of an offensive force, he's the weakest character in the game without spells or ranged, but I wanted to design him to be like a fly on the wall. You can't really waste your resources dealing with him, but he's a thorn in the side nonetheless.

I really like the piece as well. One really cool part about Captain-Sunshine's art, is that it's completely traditional, she doesn't use photoshop or anything, so it's got this cool watercolorey style all her own.
Check it out at, she's got a lot of fanart, even some Xenogears stuff O_o, way to be old school.


  1. The people want dark knight cecil!

  2. Ask and you shall recieve. He's already done, I'm just having trouble finding art, I may have to use more official art :/ It's like the Cecil curse...
