So, compared to the flaming rain of ultimate destruction black mages often deal out to their opponents, being a white mage is a pretty thankless job. But nobody will deny that it's one of the most important roles in all of Final Fantasy (anyone who has played Final Fantasy XI especially is probably nodding in agreement right now.)
This is no exception in the card game. As you can see from these cards, White Magic typically has less options to offer you per each spell. But each spell has it's place amongst your party.
I would've showed you guys the mainstay of white magic: Cure and Raise, but honestly, they're just more efficient versions of Potion and Phoenix Down, so I figured I'd just show some slightly more exotic white magic spells today.
First one I'll show you guys is Protect. Protect is definitely a nice spell; in the card game, it's basically an extra life. True, you may or may not have to use it immediately in a battle, but it's always nice to be prepared. One other thing you may notice, is there is no "Recovery" trait anywhere on the card. This means that because it's technically not a recovery card, it can save you from no recovery attacks! This is huge, and possibly crippling if you've got a high defense guy guarding your back row. Of course, no strategy is foolproof. Magic has no problem taking out your protected characters, because protect only grants the extra life to characters defeated in physical combat. Of course, that's what Shell is for...
Oh, and note that the "Status" trait in the ability text is green, this lets you know the status effect is beneficial, and items like Remedy or spells like Esuna will not effect them. (They only effect the red Status cards like Bio, Fire, etc...
The second one is Haste. The applications for this one aren't too hard to figure out. Stand Auron... duh. Stand any character you want to take a second swing really. It can also be used to stand mages to give them back their resistances. Haste is also special because you can also trigger Hastega and stand your whole row. Should be annoying at the very least.
The third one is going to make people hate you over and over again. Dispel!
Every card game has a card like this, restrict your opponents moves and actions, without sacrificing any advantage yourself (except card advantage, really.)
The applications are great, and all are irritating. Imagine a player getting ready to Thundaga your Cecil with fire on him, and you just tap him and play this to cancel the spell. Now your opponent is out 3 cards and probably quitting the game. Also, keep in mind you can cancel White Magic with this. Cancel your opponents' Cure, to make sure the character dies, or even cancel your opponents DISPEL!
Once again, gotta say thanks for reading and keeping up on the game! With every post, the game gets closer to demo status, almost done! Just a little longer!
just out of curiousity, what's your plan for the distribution of the demo?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to upload some .tif files of card sheets for printing, and then after I release each new card, I'll also add a .tif link for a playset of that card. So the demo deck will actually be a starter deck of sorts.