I've got to make an extra note on this one. Even though the card only focuses on the chainsaw portion of Aribuwana's Edgar fanart, you've got to check out the whole piece on Aribuwana's site at aribuwana.deviantart.com it's epic. As much as I wanted to use this piece for Edgar, EVERY old-school Final Fantasy fan is going to know the chainsaw, and how badass it was tearing through behemoths with a Jason mask on. I felt the piece was better served as the chainsaw relic, since it IS a really cool rendition of the chainsaw.
Overall, this is the best Edgar fanart I've seen on the internet; It even has a full shot of Castle Figaro. With the quiver for the autocrossbow on his belt and the forlorn Sabin in the background, you can tell the work was done by a real fan of the game. It was the background of my computer for awhile, definitely worth checking out. Aribuwana has also done a really good Terra, and has more FFVI on the way. Considering FFVI is my favorite Final Fantasy, I've got his art page bookmarked, you should too.
Chainsaw is a card you'll probably be seeing for some time. Throughout the life of this game, you'll not find a more efficient way to deal with attached equipement and relics.
The only requirement to discard the equipped item is to tap the chainsaw. The character doesn't need to participate, and you still get the +200 regardless of what you do.
The best part about it, is that it will discourage other players from playing their own relics, because if they let Chainsaw stick around, they'll lose their relic the very next turn without any real effort from you.
Not really much else I can write about it, it's a toolbox card. A well-rounded deck will have an answer for any other type of deck and chainsaw is a good choice for attachment removal, which is useful vs. decks that have a lot of equipment and relic synergy.
If any of you were curious on the status of the demo, all I need are the rest of the relics and one more character. That's 7 cards total, but the relics should go quickly. At the very least, I CAN use official stuff, but I'd like to try to find some artists first.
Thanks again for reading all! Hopefully we'll be able to start talking card balance and gameplay soon :)
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