All fan-art obtained for this project is used only with the express permission of the artists.
If you really like some of the art or have questions, please contact the artist directly through their site.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

As my eyes gently bleed...

So, I just finished the necessary tedium of transferring enough cards over to the right side margin for playtesting! That's right, you can finally play the goddamn game!

Thanks for your support everyone, of course this project is far from finished.

There are about 4 characters in each class available, the leader card, complete set 1 location/relics, ultros reference, card back, 2 equipment cards, 6 spells, and 1 summon. So customization isn't quite in full force, but at least you can get a feel.

If you're printing, I'd recommend using the draft setting on your printer, since these cards are in 300 dpi .tif format, and could rape your printer.

Just as a reminder, all of the official art, and ghetto photoshop art I've done is temporary, and thus, the artist pages have *TBA* by them. Once I update the cards with fan-art, the artist's site will be updated into the margin.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Thanks for all the time spent to get these online. I'll report with feedback after I have a few throw downs.
