He offered a lot of advice, but one part in particular sticks out in my mind.
Jesse: Why are there six of this card in the deck?
Me: This card has the Common keyword, that means you can have up to six.
Jesse: Oh... well, that's retarded.
And really... he was right.
With cards like Potion being common, the first battle lasted about 10 minutes, and really, that's a hell of a long time for one battle. 6 Potion and 6 phoenix down cards were the main culprit, we nearly decked...
So, I've tried to come up with a fairly simple and elegant solution to both problems.
-Your regular deck is a minimum of 40 cards. (Character deck will have a higher minimum , this is touched on in the comments of a previous post)
-No more than 3 of each card (Rare cards still exist however, Summons and such)
-If you deck, you lose the battle.
-At the end of the round, only your discarded characters are added to the doomed pile, normal cards are re-shuffled into your deck to begin the next battle at full strength.
Having a 40 card regular deck lets you get your needed cards easier, however you run the risk of decking quickly. You can have as many cards as you like, maybe in hopes to protect against decking, but without the security blanket of 6x Ether, you run the risk of a watered down deck. (Vivi, why can't you remember your spells!?)
This ruling also opens the door for one new card, and adds effectiveness to another.
(Yeah, the art screams 'meh' here, don't worry though, there is no lack of quality Rinoa fan-art on the web, I just had this done quick because Rinoa was integral to this post.)
After the composite offered by Matt, and my own rundown of the FFVIII script, I ended up with this card for mid to endgame Rinoa. After Rinoa discovers her Sorceress origin, she gains access to 'Angel Wing' where she sprouts wings and goes Berserk with magic power, as she cannot control it fully. I tried to reflect this in the card. Rinoa isn't a mage proper, she doesn't benefit from the innate magic defense while standing that the Black and White skills grant, though she gets to turn a select spell into a full-powered one-shot. Of course by dooming the Spell, you lose the ability to use it in subsequent rounds. Hopefully this will cause you to weigh your options a bit.
Also, the decking aspect adds a little umph to our new warrior accessory...
To any curious of the origins of this card, the character pictured is a Warrior from the FFXI online game. (Hey, it's a true Final Fantasy, of course it's going to be included.)
Warriors in FFXI for any familiar with MMORPGs, are the basic tank class of the game. Basically they take the heat off your DPS at they backstab or nuke the crap out of your enemy.
DPS classes tend to be squishy, so they need this guy to keep the enemies attention.
So here we are in FFTCG, where you can hopefully do something similar. When a fighter puts this on, you better ignore Rinoa for one more round, or kiss 1/8th of your deck goodbye.
This can also get fun if the attached fighter has Counter, or even better, more than 1600 DEF and Counter (good luck with that though)
@Rule Tweaks: Having the support deck cycle between Fights (and cutting down on allowed copies of previously Common branded rarities) should eliminate the issues I was having in my own play tests of players decking out before the game "properly" ended. I'll need to give it a whirl.
ReplyDelete@Rinoa: Great to see you arriving at a version of the character that works thematically. She offers short term power in exchange for long term sustainability.
It would even be possible to build around to limit the disadvantage - I could see her worked into a deck with her as the sole caster. It'd give the flexibility of not only blasting with spells at will, but also thinning your support deck to get to other desired cards for later battles.
Cool! Let me know what you find. This was a definite oversight. With so much recovery (even with the 3x limit), it seems like bomb cards like spells become essential, which seems healthy to me, because you NEED to back up mages with other classes. What conclusions did you come up with when you played?
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked Rinoa, I'm starting to like her too. Initially I was worried that Mages wouldn't be varied enough, but they seem to be coming along nicely.
As for your Rinoa deck, interesting idea, Matt. The deck sounds doable for sure.
I will say, having few mages sounds like it could gimp you in the leader department, but that's only on paper, it's usually not as bad as it sounds in-game.