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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Whew, finally.

After 1 and a half playtests, here is the flowchart for the game. (at least for now)

Setup Phase: (You only do this phase once, at the beginning of the game)
-Draw 7 cards. (duh)

-Mulligan (You can discard the entire hand and refill it once; this is optional)

Battlefield Phase: (The # of characters you can play is determined by the leader and location)
-First player plays a location (relic is on the back of these)

-First player plays a leader
--Second player surrenders and gives up the relic, then starts over at the battlefield phase as the first player. (of course, this is optional)
--Second player plays a leader

-First player plays the rest of the party (also attaching equipment or relics to them)
--Second player plays the rest of the party (also with equipment or relics)

Battle Phase: (These aren't fixed steps, they are individual actions the players alternate doing. When one side wins, the battle phase ends (Usually by wiping out the other side))

-Attack (One of your characters to a single opposing character, this taps the character)

-Rest (Draw 1 card)

-Attach a card to a character in play (Equipment, Relic, what have you)

-Use ability (Whether it be a character ability, spell, item, relic or what have you)

-Retreat (Player surrenders, returns their non-spell cards in play to their hand, then draws up to 7 cards)

Victory Phase: (These are fixed steps again...)
-The winning player returns their non-spell cards in play to their hand (no drawing to 7)

-The winning player takes the location card (now able to use the relic on the opposite side as they see fit, in a sideboard. The relic never actually goes to your hand, so it doesn't count towards your handsize)

-Check for victory (if any player has 6 relics, they win the game!!)

-Discard any amount of cards, and draw up to 7 (Players with more than 7 cards must discard down to 7)

-Start over at the Battlefield phase, now with player 2 becoming player 1!


So that's that! I don't think it's all that complicated, it may take 1 game to get it down though.

ALSO! I added a way to organize abilities a little, to prevent confusion.

Character abilities with no special characters are passive, meaning they're always on.
(I.e. "Acrobatics: Tidus may not be attacked by characters with the Ranged trait.)

Character abilities with a hand cursor in front of them mean the ability must be manually triggered, or in short, you have to use it.

(I.e. ">Beat Rush: Discard a card from your hand, ready Tifa") --Of course ">" is not an actual hand cursor, but the cards in game will include them.

Abilities that start with "..." are reactionary. This means they are only used when a certain criteria is met, and then, are done immediately after the triggering action has ended.
(I.e. ...Healing Wind: When a character would be discarded from play, tap Aeris, then cancel the discard. This ability is considered a Recovery ability.

Yeah, that's it. Hopefully you guys will see some cards soon.

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